Collier Teaching Multicultural Children: ARGUMENT
The Argument of Teaching Multicultural Children In the reading, Teaching Multicultural Children, by Virginia Collier, she argues that a student's first language should not be eliminated from their education, but instead used to help teach them a second language. Collier argues in the text, that eradication of a child's first language can cause numerous problems in their education. To support her argument she includes a quote from Guadalupe Valdes, in which he says that educators who hold view of eradication, also have an idea of what is right or wrong and believe that they themselves are a tool to teach the student the 'right' language (Collier 226). By eliminating a student's first language from their education, Coll ier argues that it will only turn students away from wanting to learn. Throughout the text Collier states that teachers should teach to both the student's first language, along with the standard la...