
Showing posts from September, 2019

Collier Teaching Multicultural Children: ARGUMENT

The Argument of Teaching Multicultural Children    In the reading, Teaching Multicultural Children, by Virginia Collier, she argues that a student's first language should not be eliminated from their education, but instead used to help teach them a second language. Collier argues in the text, that eradication of a child's first language can cause numerous problems in their education. To support her argument she includes a quote from Guadalupe Valdes, in which he says that educators who hold view of eradication, also have an idea of what is right or wrong and believe that they themselves are a tool to teach the student the 'right' language (Collier 226). By eliminating a student's first language from their education, Coll ier argues that it will only turn students away from wanting to learn.               Throughout the text Collier states that teachers should teach to both the student's first language, along with the standard language used in schools. G

Kozol and Roose Black Lives Matter Too; Relfection

Amazing Grace by Johnathan Kozol is a Wake-up Call       Upon reading the article I was amazed about the realities some people live and that they are so different from my own. In the beginning of Kolzol's article he states, "At the elementary school that serves the neighborhood across the avenue, only seven of 800 children do not qualify for free school lunches. 'Five of those seven get reduced-price lunches, because they are classified as only 'poor','not destitute' (Kozol 3). This quote was eye opening to me and I was amazed by these statistics. Growing up there were not many students in my school that got free or reduced lunch. I was shocked that this is the reality for people, I feel now that I was sheltered from the lives that other people live. I never realized until recently that these things are real for people and that people do live in conditions like this.        Throughout the article, Kozol also states about the conditions people live

U.S.A Land of Limitations: Quotes

Is The United States Truly a Land of Opportunity or One of Limitations? (Quotes)           In the article,  U.S.A., Land of Limitations?, by Nicholas Kristof, he addr esses the problem of the gap between the different levels of economic status. In the article, Kristof includes a quote by Alan Krueger, a Princeton economist. Krueger indicates that the income one's parent(s) attains correlates to their own future potential income. Krueger states, "The chance of a person who was born to a family in the bottom 10 percent of the income distribution rising to the top 10 percent as an adult is about the same as the chance that a dad who 5 feet 6 inches tall having a son who grows up to be over 6 feet 1 inch tall...It happens but not often" (Kristof). Krueger's statement reflects how difficult it may be for a person in United States to better or improve their economic status to a level beyond which they were born in to. In the United States a person's future success

About Me

Hi! My name is Shaelyn Fiske. I am currently 19 years old and a Sophomore at Rhode Island College. I am an Elementary Education major with a concentration in Special Education. I currently work in                                                             a special education school                                                                   where I hope to one day to                                                                   be a teacher and help others. I live with my mom in Seekonk, MA and I have lived here my whole life. It is a small town with not many residents, but the down side of that is everyone knows everything about you! I love to travel up north to Maine and New Hampshire and usually go numerous times a year. I usually go with my boyfriend, Cam, and his family. I love the being outside and seeing the mountain and trees.                                                           It is always calming and